Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Intership Readiness

I am ready for internship because I am not doing this for money but for the act of collaborating with others and letting my ideas take action. However, I do speak out about making a million dollars in the future because I feel that is the landmark of doing something important in life. Since having collaboration as my passion I have to be efficient as well as understanding towards others in any environment. For example, one of my main achievements is working on articulating my words so that my other colleagues can understand my creativeness. Another reason towards my internship readiness is demonstrating “think before you talk” by actually writing down the words before speaking them. Other than the usually acts of activeness, and kindness, I already do during the learning and developing phase, I have to do a lot more to be successful such as taking the initiative of reading the book before the assigned reading in order to be that person teachers recommend for answers.

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